  • Internet Resources
    1. General Resources
      1. Sociology
      2. A Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
      3. Going Dutch Sociology at U. Amsterdam
      4. SocioWeb
      5. Berkeley Sociology Gopher
      6. Sociology Resources
      7. Sociology Guides
      8. Links to Sociological Resources
      9. Putting Sociology to Work
      10. Sociology
      11. MSU Sociology Club: Links
      12. The Sociology Server
      13. Netlinks for Sociologists
      14. The Sociology Cornor
      15. The Sociology Ring
      16. SocioRealm: Index
      17. Sociology Links
      18. Sociology & Social Sciences Links
      19. Sociology
      20. Internet Subject Index
    2. Net Indexes
      1. The Electronic Journal of Sociology
      2. The Institute
      3. Infomine
      4. Le Cybersociologue
      5. Research Engines for the Social Sciences
      6. Social Science Information Gateway: Sociology
      7. The SocioWeb: 'Net Indexes & Guides
      8. A Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
      9. Sociology WebLinks
      10. Socioroute
      11. SocioSite
      12. The Society for the Study of Social Problems
      13. The Sociology Corner
      14. The Sociology Server
      15. TradeWave Galaxy (Sociology-Social Sciences)
      16. The WWW Virtual Library: Sociology
      17. WCSU List: Sociology Internet Resources
    3. Resource Guides
      1. BSA Directory
      2. Data Sources on the Internet; Edinburgh University Data Library
      3. Directory of Scholarly and Professional E- Conferences on Sociology and Demography
      4. DiversCite - Revues et Forums Interdisciplinaires sur la Dynamique des Langues
      5. INFOMINE; Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
      6. PRAXIS
      7. Sociology Internet Resources
      8. SOSIG - World - Sociology
      9. The SocioWeb
      10. Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace (A)
      11. Sociology Resource Center
      12. Sociology Timeline from 1600, A
      13. SocioSite; Going Dutch Sociology
      14. WWW Virtual Library; Sociology
    4. Culture & Society Resources
      1. American Studies Web
      2. Anthropology
      3. Conflict and Communication
      4. Cultural Studies Center
      5. Cultural Studies on the WWW
      6. Gallery of Social Structures
      7. Internet Resources in Social Theory, Organization & Technology
      8. Internet Resources: Communications
      9. Linguistics Page
      10. MEME
      11. National Aging Information Center
      12. National Coalition for the Homeless
      13. National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information
      14. One World Supersite
      15. Organizational Behavior: Administrative Science Quarterly
      16. Poverty-Related Resources
      17. Sociological Subject Areas
      18. Sociology Links -- By Subject
      19. Social Sciences and Social Issues
      20. The Sticky Wicket -- Poverty's Homepage
      21. Urban Studies Subject Tree
      22. What is Culture?
      23. World Area Studies
    5. Ethnic Resources
      1. AfriNet
      2. Africa
      3. African American History
      4. African American Webliography
      5. African-American Historical Text Archive
      6. The African-American Mosaic
      7. African Diaspora Institute
      8. Amistad Research Center
      9. American Association for Affirmative Action
      10. Anti-Defamation League
      11. Anthropology
      12. Area Studies
      13. Asia
      14. Asian American History
      15. Asian American Resources
      16. Asian American Studies Center
      17. Asian American Student's Association
      18. Biographical Profiles of Important 19th Century African Americans
      19. The Chronicle
      20. Center for African and African American Studies
      21. CLNET -- Chicana/o & Latina/o
      22. Cultural Diversity Resources
      23. Citizenship & Immigration Resources
      24. Europe
      25. Ethnic Studies
      26. Ethnic World Survey
      27. Ethnic Web Sites
      28. FAQ: Affirmative Action Information
      29. The Filipino-American Association of Western Connecticut
      30. The Gypsy Lore Society
      31. Hate Groups on the Internet
      32. Hispanic/Latino Talaranya
      33. The Hispanic Center of Greater Danbury (CT)
      34. Jewish and Jewish American Resources
      35. The Levi Jordan Plantation Project
      36. LatinoWeb
      37. Latin America
      38. The LatinoFund Scholarship Page
      39. Martin Luther King, Jr. Directory
      40. Minority Studies
      41. NAACP
      42. National Civil Rights Museum
      43. NetNoir
      44. Nizkor Project: A Response to Holocaust Denial
      45. Project on Ethnic Relations
      46. Race & Ethnicity
      47. Race
      48. Race & Ethnicity
      49. Romani (Gypsy) Culture & History
      50. Selected Tables (US Census) for Black Population in the United States
      51. South Asian Diaspora
      52. Simon Wiesenthal Center
      53. Selected Multicultural Studies Resources
      54. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
    6. Women's Resources
      1. Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World
      2. The Feminist Majority Online
      3. Feminism and Women's Sources
      4. Gender & Society
      5. Gender-Related Electronic Forums
      6. Gender & Sexuality
      7. Gender Issues & Women's Studies on the WWW
      8. Gopher Menu for Women's Studies
      9. History of Women -- Internet Resources
      10. Information Resources for Women's Studies
      11. MA Degree & Graduate Certificates
      12. National Organization for Women
      13. National Women's History Project
      14. Sexual Harassment
      15. Women's Studies
      16. Women's History
      17. Women'sNet
      18. Women's Studies/Women's Issues
      19. Women's Studies Resources
      20. Women's Resource Project
      21. WWWomen!
      22. Women's Center of Greater Danbury (CT)
      23. Women's Studies Minor at WCSU
    7. Family Resources
      1. Child Welfare
      2. Children First
      3. Children, Youth and Family Consortium
      4. Connecticut Kidslink
      5. Divorce Info
      6. Disney's Family.Com
      7. Domestic Violence
      8. Essential Information on Abuse, Assault, Rape & Domestic Violence
      9. Family
      10. Family Facts
      11. Family Resources
      12. Family History, Genealogy Resources and Tinney Family Case Example
      13. Family Law Links (Divorce & Child Custody, Etc.)
      14. Future of Children
      15. KidsCount: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
      16. Marriage & Family Life
      17. National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
      18. National Parent Information Network
      19. Sociology of the Family (Course Project)
    8. Criminology Resources
      1. The Critical Criminology Homepage
      2. Criminal Justice System
      3. Crime Page
      4. CopNet
      5. Criminal Justice Page
      6. Criminal Sociology
      7. Criminal Justice Links
      8. Criminal Justice Statistics
      9. Deviance
      10. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform
      11. Justice Information Center
      12. Juvenile Justice
      13. L. A. Gangs
      14. "Maroon"American Society of Criminology
      15. National Center on Institutions and Alternatives
      16. National Youth Gang Center
      17. Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (1995)
      18. Southeastern Connecticut Gang Activities Group
      19. Violence & Abuse
      20. Crime
      21. Organized Crime Page
      22. Crime, Law & Related Links
      23. Criminology on the WWW
      24. Department of Justice
      25. FBI
      26. Response To Terrorism
      27. Western Society of Criminology
      28. Western Criminology Review
      29. Serial Killers
      30. family
      31. women's studies
      32. Division of Justice and Law Administration
    9. Social Theory Resources
      1. Theory
      2. A Sociology Timeline from 1600
      3. Classical & Contemporary Social Theory on the WWW
      4. Durkheim
      5. Marx
      6. Rousseau
      7. Weber
      8. Dead Sociologists Society
      9. Sociologists -- "Dead and Very Much Alive"
      10. George's Page (George Herbert Mead)
      11. The Marx/Engels Internet Archive
      12. Auguste Comte and Positivism
      13. Durkheim Pages
      14. Centre for European Sociology & Pierre Bourdieu
      15. Philosophy
      16. Sociological Theory Connections
      17. Postmodern Philosophy
      18. Sociology of Knowledge
      19. Norbert Elias and Process Sociology
      20. Theory in Anthropology
      21. CTheory
      22. Political Science
      23. Philosophy and Religion
      24. Cultural Studies & Critical Theory
    10. Social Research Resources
      1. Doing Research in Sociology
      2. The Research Paper
      3. Columbia Online Style: MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Surveys
      4. Evaluating Web Resources
      5. General Social Survey Resources
      6. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
      7. General Social Survey Data & Information Retrieval Systems
      8. International Archive of Education Data
      9. Online Resources for Investigators Involved in Human Subject Research
      10. Annual Review of Sociology
      11. Canadian Journal of Sociology
      12. Electronic Journal of Sociology
      13. The Social Sciences Paper Publisher
      14. Sociological Research Online
      15. Sociological Cases Database
      16. Statistical Resources on the Web
      17. Online Introduction to Statistics Data Archive
      18. STAT-USA
      19. Statistics Canada
      20. Demography and Population Studies
      21. Population Index on the Web
    11. The U.S. Census
      1. County & City Data Book
      2. Census Data at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
      3. State Data Centers
      4. United States Census Bureau
      5. U.S. Census Information (1990)
      6. U.S. Census Briefs
    12. Miscellaneous Resources
      1. American Sociological Association
      2. Asia Pacific Sociological Association
      3. BA/BS Sociology/Anthropology
      4. BA/BS Social Sciences
      5. Departments of Sociology
      6. Graduate Record Examinations -- Online
      7. International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) at WCSU
      8. M.S. Degree
      9. Online Course Index
      10. Society for the Study of Social Problems
      11. Sociological Abstracts Home Page
      12. Sociology: Mailing Lists
      13. Sociology Graduate Programs
      14. Universities Around the World
      15. WCSU Department of Social Sciences
      16. WCSU Sociology Courses
      17. CCSU
      18. SCSU
  • Commercial Sites
    1. Companies
      1. ATLAS/TI Software for Qualitative Research
      2. American Pictures
      3. Career Consulting Corner
      4. Exams Unlimited, Inc.
      5. Sociological Abstracts, Inc.
      6. SIMSTAT software by Provalis Research
      7. Sociometrics
    2. Publishers
      1. McGraw-Hill Ryserson
  • Giants of Sociology
    1. Auguste Comte and Positivism
    2. The Durkheim Pages
    3. George's Page
    4. Herbert Blumer - Symbolic Interactionism
    5. Marxism/Leninism Site
    6. The Marx/Engels Archive
    7. Ninth Street Center
    8. Robert K. Merton - Structure Functionalism
  • Learning Sociology
    1. coMentor
    2. National Council for the Social Studies Online
    3. Sociological Practice Training Institute
    4. Sociology Cafe
    5. Sociology Courses and Curricula Resources
  • Sociological Theory
    1. DSA's Theoretical Journal
  • Sociology in Action
    1. American Pictures
    2. Communications for a Sustainable Future
    3. Corporate Governance
    4. EcstasisWeb
    5. European Centre
    6. Praxis
    7. Progressive Sociology Network WWW page
    8. The Marxism List WWW page
    9. The Marxism Page
    10. The Public Sphere
    11. The Socialist Theory Page
  • Surveys and Statistics
    1. General Social Survey Data and Information
    2. General Social Survey Resources
    3. Norwegian Social Science Data Services
    4. Population Studies Center
    5. Sociological Cases Database
    6. Survey of Climate Scientists
    7. Survey Research Center at Princeton
    8. The Question Factory
    9. U.S. Census Bureau
  • Topical Research
    1. Technology
      1. ASA Section on Environment and Technology
      2. Center for the Study of Online Communities
      3. Cyberspace Links
      4. Cyberspace: The New Frontier
      5. VALDES
      6. Virtual Societies: Their Prospects and Dilemmas
    2. World Affairs
      1. ERCOMER
      2. Eurobarometer Surveys
      3. Global Political Economy
      4. Migration and Ethnic Relations Resources
      5. Political Economy of the World System
      6. REESweb
      7. The International Studies Association
      8. World Area Studies Internet Resources
      9. World Society Foundation in Zurich
      10. World Systems Archive
    3. Methodology
      1. ªÀ ·| ¾Ç ¤è ªk ½×
      2. Center for Survey Research
      3. Centre for Applied Social Surveys
      4. International Network for Social Network Analysis
      5. Introductory Statistics @ UCLA
      6. Norbert Elias and Process Sociology
    4. Social Psychology
      1. Analyzing Social Interaction
      2. Social Psychology Network
    5. Sociology of Orginizations
      1. American Society of Criminology
      2. ASC's Critical Crimonology Division
      3. Center for the Sociology of Organizations
      4. Coombsweb - ANU Social Sciences Server
      5. Kearl's Guide to Sociological Thanatology
      6. National Science Foundation
    6. Criminology & Social Deviance
      1. Criminology Text Server
      2. Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology
      3. Shadows
    7. Sport & Leisure
      1. Centre for Research into Sport and Society
      2. Play as Mentality
      3. Sociology of Sport
    8. Cultural Studies
      1. Consumer Culture Home Page
      2. Cultural Studies Central
      3. Manchester Institute for Popular Culture
      4. Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center
  • Publications
    1. Articles/Papers/Reports
      1. Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)
        1. Affect Control Theory
        2. Dave Harris Homepage
        3. Foucault Pages at CSUN
        4. World-Systems Archive
      2. Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)
        1. Electronic Journal of Sociology
        2. Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media; A Pedagogical Discussion and Demonstration
        3. Social Research Update
    2. Bibliographic Databases
      1. EDINA Periodicals Contents Index (PCI)
      2. IBSS On-line
      3. QUALIDATA; ESRC Qualitative Data Archival Resource Centre
      4. Sociology On-Line
    3. Bibliographies
      1. Bibliography of Works by Durkheim
      2. Vedams; Anthropology and Sociology of India
    4. Writings


      Cuban Evolutionary Humanist Movement
      Sociology: The Global Classroom
      The Lucifer Principle
      The Social Science Paper Publisher

      Journals & 'Zines

      The SocioWeb: Journals & 'Zines

      Administrative Science Quarterly
      American Journal of Sociology
      Annual Review of Sociology
      Applied Behavioral Science Review
      Canadian Journal of Sociology
      Corporate Governance
      Gray Areas Magazine
      International Journal of Comparative Sociology
      Journal of Asian and African Studies
      Journal of Developing Societies
      Journal of the Sociology of Art
      Social Research Update
      Sociological Research Online

      Journals (contents and abstracts)

      American Journal of Sociology
      American Sociological Review
      Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology
      British Journal of Sociology Online
      Canadian Journal of Sociology Online
      Disasters; The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy & Management
      European Environmental Education Newsletter
      European Sociological Review
      International Journal of Public Opinion Research
      International Journal of the Sociology of Law
      International Sociology; Journal of the International Sociological Association
      Journal of Historical Sociology
      Journal of Sociolinguistics
      JournalMinder Page, The
      Social Problems
      Sociological Quarterly, The
      Sociological Review, The
      Sociological Theory; A Journal of the American Sociological Association

      Journals (full text)

      Annual Reviews in the Social Sciences
      eBMJ; Collected Resources; Sociology
      Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure
      Journal of World-Systems Research
      Social Science Paper Publisher

    News and Discussion Group

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    ak-innovation mailing list archive
    european-sociologist mailing list archive
    LIste MittelEuropaeischer Soziologie (LIMES)
    multilevel-analysis mailing list archive
    Progressive Sociologists Network
    SOCBB mailing list
    social policy mailing list archive
    social-theory mailing list archive
    Sociological Omnibus Cafe (SOC) Mailing List


    Inside Scotland
    Israel Wire
    Ukrainian Weekly


    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for Social Marketing
    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas (Spain)
    LIBRA Project
    Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung
    Qualitative Interest Group
    Russian Regional Database
    Socio-Spatial Analysis Research Unit
    Sociology Department, Queens College New York
    Theory, Culture and Society Centre

    University Departments

    University Departments

    North America

    North America

    United States

    USI Sociology Department HomePage
    University of Indianapolis: Social Sciences Dept.
    University of Idaho
    Texas Tech University Department of Sociology
    United States

    American University
    Arizona State University
    Auburn University, Alabama
    Baylor University
    Beloit College
    Boston College, Massachusetts
    Bowling Green State University
    Bradley University
    Brown University, Rhode Island
    California Lutheran University, California
    California State University at Bakersfield
    California State University at Chico
    California State University at Northridge
    California State University at San Diego
    Case Western Reserve University
    Clemson University
    Cornell University, New York
    CUNY Graduate Center, New York
    Department of Sociology at Kent State University
    Department of Sociology Marshall University
    Dept. of Sociology, University of Nevada, Reno
    Duke University
    George Washington University
    Harvard University, Massachusetts
    Harvard University, Massachusetts
    Hunter College, CUNY, New York
    Indiana University
    Indiana University at Indianapolis
    John Carroll University - Sociology
    Kansas State University
    Louisiana State University
    North Park College, Chicago, Illinois
    Northeastern University
    Notre Dame University, Indiana
    Ohio State University
    Oklahoma State University
    Princeton University
    Queen's College, CUNY, New York
    Skidmore University, New York
    Sonoma State University
    Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
    Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
    Southwest Missouri State University
    Southwest Texas State University
    State University of New York at Buffalo
    State University of New York at Cortland
    State University of New York at New Paltz
    State University of New York at Stony Brook
    Temple University
    Trinity University, Texas
    University of California at Berkeley
    University of California at Irvine
    University of California at Los Angeles
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    University of Colorado at Denver
    University of Delaware
    University of Hawaii
    University of Kansas
    University of Massachusetts at Amherst
    University of Michigan
    University of Missouri-Columbia
    University of Missouri-St. Louis
    University of Nebraska at Kearney
    University of Nebraska at Lincoln
    University of New York at Binghampton
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    University of North Carolina at Wilmington
    University of Oregon
    University of Pennsylvannia
    University of Pittsburg
    University of Redlands, California
    University of South Carolina
    University of Southern California
    University of Texas at Austin
    University of Washington
    University of Wisconsin at Madison
    University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
    University of Wisconsin at Superior
    Washington State University
    Western Connecticut State University
    Western Washington University



    Acadia University
    Concordia University
    Dalhousie University
    McGill University
    McMaster University
    Mount Allison University
    Queen's University
    Simon Fraser University
    St. Francis Xavier University
    Universite de Moncton
    University of Alberta
    University of British Columbia
    University of Calgary
    University of Carleton
    University of Guelph
    University of Manitoba
    University of Montreal
    University of Quebec at Montreal
    University of Regina
    University of Toronto - Scarborough College
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Western Ontario
    University of York
    York University



    United Kingdom

    The Sociology Department at the University of Exeter
    United Kingdom

    Department of Sociology, University of Liverpool
    Lancaster University
    London School of Economics
    Manchester Metropolitan University
    University of Bradford
    University of Cambridge
    University of Durham
    University of Edinburgh
    University of Essex
    University of Exeter
    University of Leeds
    University of London - Royal Holloway
    University of Manchester
    University of Northumbria at Newcastle
    University of Sheffield
    University of Surrey
    University of Warwick



    Russian Academy of Sciences
    Saint Petersburg State University
    State University of Moscow



    University of Geneva
    University of Neuchatel



    Science and Research Center
    University of Ljubljana



    Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
    Johannes Kepler University of Linz
    The Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
    University of Salzburg



    University of Copenhagen



    Free University, Berlin
    Freiburg University
    Freiburg University
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
    Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
    Social Science Center, Berlin
    Technical University, Darmstadt
    University at Kaiserslautern
    University of Bamberg
    University of Bielefeld
    University of Bremen
    University of Cologone
    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    University of Goettingen
    University of Hamburg
    University of Heidelberg
    University of Jenna
    University of Kassel
    University of Mainz
    University of Muenster
    University of Oldenberg



    University of Helsinki
    University of Jyvskyl
    University of Kuopio
    University of Lapland
    University of Oulu
    University of Tampere
    University of Turku
    University of Vaasa



    European University at Florence
    University of Milan, Italy
    University of Pisa



    University of Crete



    Technical University, Budapest



    Free University, Brussels



    University of Tartu



    University of Bergen



    University of Oslo
    University of Tromso
    University of Trondheim



    Central European University at Warsaw
    University of Warsaw



    Erasmus University, Rotterdam
    Open University, Heerlen
    University of Leiden
    University of Utrecht



    University of Cyprus



    Basque University, Bizkaia
    Independent University of Barcelona



    Erasmus University, Rotterdam
    Open University, Heerlen
    University of Leiden
    University of Utrecht



    Trinity College, Dublin



    University College, Dublin
    University of Gothenburg
    University of Lund
    University of Stockholm
    University of Umeaa
    University of Uppsala



    National University of Singapore
    Yonsei University, South Korea
    Chinese University of Hopng Kong

    Australia & The South

    Australia & The South Pacific

    Sociology at Macquarie University
    Auckland University, New Zealand
    Australian National University, Australia
    Flinders University of South Australia
    Massey University, New Zealand
    University of Sydney, Australia

    South America

    South America


    University of Bueonos Aires





    Bogazici University



    Ben-Gurion University, Israel
    Tel Aviv University

    Governmental Bodies

    Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences at NSF

    Sociological Associations

    Sociological Associations

    American Sociological Association

    American Sociological Association
    Collective Behavior Section
    Culture Section
    Organizations, Occupations and Work Section


    The Anabaptist Sociology Association
    ASA Medical Sociology Section
    ASA Section on Environment and Technology
    Asia Pacific Sociological Association
    Association for Humanist Sociology
    Australian Sociological Association


    British Sociological Association


    California Sociological Association
    Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
    Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR)


    EUMENESS; the European and Mediterranean Network of the Social Sciences
    European Sociological Association, The


    Galaxy; Sociology


    Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies
    Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
    International Social Survey Programme
    International Sociological Association (ISA)
    International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA)


    Midwest Sociological Society
    The Mid-South Sociological Association


    Public Agenda Online
    Pacific Sociological Association


    Rural Sociological Society


    Society for Applied Sociology
    Sociological Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand)
    Sociologists of Minnesota
    Sociologists' Lesbian and Gay Caucus
    Southern Sociological Society
    The Society for the Study of Social Problems
    Society for Applied Sociology, The
    Society For Social Research Prelim Summary Archive
    Society for the Study of Social Problems, The


    TASA; The Australian Sociological Association Homepage


    The Westermarck Society
    Western Society of Criminology

    Reference Materials

    Red Feather Dictionary of Critical Social Science (The)


    CPSDOC; Base de Datos de Artículos de Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales
    Data Archive (UK)
    Data Resources for Sociologists
    Social Data Documentation Centre (SDDC)
    Sociologicky Datovy Archiv

    Educational Materials

    Affect Measures
    Event Structure Analysis
    Reviewing Sociology; A Review Journal
    Social indicators
    Social Networks
    Social Sciences Research and Instructional Council; Teaching Resources Depository Home Page
    Sociology - The Global Classroom
    Sociology Courses on the Internet
    World Lecture Hall; Sociology


    Community Research, inc. Urban and Rural

    Community Research, inc. Urban and Rural

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    NORC Publications
    Pagina de Sociologia de Artemio Baigorri
    Rural Society

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Car Boot Sales at Glasgow Zoopark
    Issues in Freirean Pedagogy

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Sociologia Ruralis; Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology

    Journals (full text)

    Progress; Family Systems Research and Therapy

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    rural mailing list archive
    RURSOC-L mailing list


    European Society for Rural Sociology
    Hunger 1997; The Faces & Facts
    Public Agenda Online
    Rural Sociological Society

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for Rural Social Research
    Mother's Service Society

    Resource Guides

    ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education

    Culture, inc. Popular Culture

    Culture, inc. Popular Culture: cf Anthropology

    Related sections

    Ethnology, Ethnography and Anthropology

    Regional and Country Studies

    Regional and Country Studies

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Making of America
    NORC Publications

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    World Heritage

    Bibliographic Databases

    Middle East Documentation Unit, University of Durham


    Vedams Demography of India Catalogue
    Vedams History and Politics of India Catalogue


    BDSP - Banque de Donnees Socio-Politiques
    Federal Electronic Research and Review Extraction Tool (FERRET)
    Historical, social, economic and demographic data from the US decennial census (1790-1860)
    New Zealand Social Science Research Data and Information Services Centre

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    sai-irish-studies mailing list archive


    Africa News Online
    Inside Scotland


    British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies
    Institute of Turkish Studies

    Research Projects/Centres

    Latin American Network Information Center Sociology Page
    Mother's Service Society
    Russian Regional Database
    Social Science Japan Data Archive

    Resource Guides

    Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory
    Gertrudes; Serviço de Recolha de Páginas Web de Língua Portuguesa
    Russian and East European Studies
    Tamil Electronic Library

    Schools and Theories

    Schools and Theories

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Auguste Comte and Positivism
    Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
    Cultural Studies and Critical Theory
    Illuminations; the Critical Theory website
    John Dewey's 'The School and Society'
    Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center; Articles/Papers - General Theory

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Bruno Latour's Keynote Speech; On Recalling ANT; July 1997, 'Actor Network and After' Workshop
    Michel Callon's Keynote Speech; Actor-Network Theory - The Market Test; July 1997, 'Actor Network and After' Workshop
    On Actor-Network Theory; a Few Clarifications, by Bruno Latour
    Postmodern Culture
    Postmodernism and its Critics
    Social order through macroactions; An interactionist approach
    Topology and the Naming of Complexity (draft), by John Law
    Traduction /Trahison - Notes on ANT, by John Law


    Actor Network Resource; an Annotated Bibliography (Version 1.1)

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Utopia, by Sir Thomas More

    Journals (full text)

    CTHEORY; international journal of theory, technology and culture
    Cultural Logic; An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    futures mailing list archive

    Research Projects/Centres

    Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center; Theorists and Critics

    Resource Guides

    George's Page
    Norbert Elias and Process Sociology

    Social Change, inc. Technology and Society

    Social Change, inc. Technology and Society

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Democratic governance in multicultural societies; social conditions for the implementation of international human rights through multicultural policies
    Foucault Pages at CSUN
    NORC Publications
    Working Papers in Geography

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Transitional Agendas; Working Papers from the Summer School for Soviet Sociologists, Jul-Sep 1990


    National Institute for Science Education Evaluation of "The Why Files" World Wide Web Site

    Educational Materials

    SocInfo CTI Centre

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Information Society, The; An International Journal
    Technology and Culture; the International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology

    Journals (full text)

    CTHEORY; international journal of theory, technology and culture
    Cybersociology; magazine for social-scientific researchers of cyberspace
    Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (The)

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    ak-innovation mailing list archive
    cyberspace-and-society mailing list archive
    socinfo mailing list archive


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR)
    Public Agenda Online
    Thematic group on Sociocybernetics and Social Systems, International Sociological Association

    Research Projects/Centres

    Center for Social Informatics
    Centre for Research into Innovation, Culture and Technology
    Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC)
    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Computing, ORganizations, Policy, and Society (CORPS), University of California - Irvine
    Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990
    Russian Regional Database
    Virtual Society?

    Resource Guides

    Shaping Our Communities Resource Guide

    Social Movements

    Social Movements

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    NORC Publications


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)

    Social Psychology

    Social Psychology

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Social Cognition Paper Archive and Information Center

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Conditions for Empathic Solidarity
    Controlling Affective Experience Interpersonally
    Effects of Multiple Social Categories on Stereotyping (The)
    Electropolis; Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat
    Frame for Organizational Actions and Macroactions
    From Shame to Pride in Identity Politics
    Isolation increases with Internet use
    Making "Welfare to Work" Really Work
    NetLab Workshop Report
    Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media; A Pedagogical Discussion and Demonstration
    Social order through macroactions; An interactionist approach
    Stanford Prison Experiment
    Stereotypes still stymie female managers
    UCLA television violence report 1997

    Bibliographic Databases

    World Database of Happiness


    Cyberculture; An Annotated Bibliography
    Elektronische Texte zum Thema computervermittelte Kommunikation

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Affect Control Theory
    Feeling and Thinking; The Role of Affect in Social Cognition
    High Noon on the Electronic Frontier; Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace
    Social Influence; The Science of Persuasion & Compliance
    Virtual Community (The)

    Educational Materials

    Affect Measures
    Event Structure Analysis

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Gender, Work and Organization
    Interactive British Journal of Social Psychology
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    Journal of Sociolinguistics
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour

    Journals (full text)

    CMC Magazine
    Current Research in Social Psychology (CRISP)

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    nettime mail archives


    Institute for Psychohistory
    Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies
    Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies

    Research Projects/Centres

    Affect Research Lab
    Human Communication Research Centre
    Psychology of Fame Project
    The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
    Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

    Resource Guides

    Archive for Sexology
    MCS; Media and Communication Studies Site
    Web Genocide Documentation Centre; Internet Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings



    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Auguste Comte and Positivism
    Baudrillard Resources on the Web
    Dave Harris Homepage
    Durkheim Pages
    F. W. Taylor Project
    Pagina de Sociologia de Artemio Baigorri
    Pierre Bourdieu and Centre for European Sociology Bibliography

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Professional Sociology; The Case of C. Wright Mills


    Stuart Hall - A Bibliography

    Books/Book Equivalents


    Research Projects/Centres

    Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center; Theorists and Critics

    Resource Guides

    America on Luhmann
    Dead Sociologists' Society
    Norbert Elias and Process Sociology
    Sociology Timeline from 1600, A

    Sociology of Adolescence

    Sociology of Adolescence

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Underachievement at GCSE

    Educational Materials

    Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies


    Raising Children to Resist Violence; What You Can Do

    Related sections:

    Psychology of Adolescence

    Psychology of Adolescence

    Youth Welfare

    Youth Welfare

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Impact of armed conflict on children
    National Survey of America's Families (NSAF)
    Youth indicators 1996

    Bibliographic Databases



    Nordic Youth Research Information Bibliography

    Educational Materials

    Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies
    Centre for Recovery from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    Government Publications

    National Strategy to prevent Teen Pregnancy; Annual report 1997-98
    Trends in the Well-being of America's Children and Youth, 1998

    Governmental Bodies

    Child and Youth Health (CYH); America's children 1998; the official Web site of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
    Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
    New Deal
    UK Substance Abuse White Papers

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Journal of Adolescence

    Journals (full text)

    Future of Children

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    adol-npra mailing list archive
    community-youth-work mailing list archive


    Board on Children, Youth and Families (BYCF)
    Campaign for our children (CFOC)
    Child Trends
    Children Now
    Children's Society (The)
    First Call, BC Child and Youth Advocacy Movement
    Meet the Wilderness
    National Youth Agency
    National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy Communications Project
    NCH Action for Children

    Research Projects/Centres

    American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Center for Adolescent Studies
    Centre for Europe's Children; European Documentation & Information Centre on Childhood Policies & Children’s Rights
    Centre for Residential Child Care
    Family and Child Well-being research network
    Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute
    Nordic Youth Research Information Server
    Quality of Life Research Unit, University of Toronto
    Youth Research Centre

    Resource Guides

    Adolescence; Change and Continuity
    Child Research Net
    National Clearinghouse for Youth Studies (Australia)
    Prevention Yellow Pages
    Site (The)

    Related sections:

    Psychology of Adolescence
    Sociology of Adolescence

    Sociology of Children

    Sociology of Children

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    What Children Tell Us about Bullying in Schools


    Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
    Raising Children to Resist Violence; What You Can Do
    Violence on Television; What do Children Learn? What Can Parents Do?
    What Makes Kids Care? Teaching Gentleness in a Violent World

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Youth Studies Australia

    Resource Guides

    History of Education Site


    Software for Observing Behavior in Natural Settings

    Related sections:

    Child Psychology

    Child Psychology

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Natural Child Project (The)

    Bibliographic Databases

    Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography (CDAB) Online Edition

    Educational Materials

    Classic Theories in Child Development; A hypertext tutorial about the theories of Freud, Mahler and Erikson.


    Raising Children to Resist Violence; What You Can Do
    Violence on Television; What do Children Learn? What Can Parents Do?
    What Makes Kids Care? Teaching Gentleness in a Violent World

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

    Journals (full text)

    Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP)
    Genetic Epistemologist


    British Psychological Society (The)
    Division of Educational and Child Psychology, The British Psychological Society
    Parents Interacting with Infants
    Scottish Division of Educational and Child Psychology, The British Psychological Society

    Reference Materials

    Directory of Chartered Psychologists (UK)

    Resource Guides

    Child Research Net
    History of Education Site

    Related sections

    Children and the Family
    Sociology of Children

    Children and the Family

    Children and the Family

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Child and Family Canada
    Natural Child Project (The)
    Progress of Nations 1998
    World Summit for Children 1990

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Campaign 2000; 1997 report card
    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Gingerbread Childcare Commission Report 1995
    Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in Kosovo (1998)
    Impact of armed conflict on children
    National Child Benefit Paper
    National Survey of America's Families (NSAF)
    Nurturing fatherhood; Improving Data and Research on Male Fertility, Family Formation and Fatherhood
    Progress of Nations 1995
    Trends in the well-being of America's children & youth, 1997 edition
    Youth indicators 1996

    Bibliographic Databases

    ANU-Intl-Family-Studies Database
    Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography (CDAB) Online Edition
    Childwatch Database


    Nordic Youth Research Information Bibliography

    Books/Book Equivalents

    International Directory of IYF Research Activities
    Progress of Nations 1996
    Progress of Nations 1997
    Stop this Starvation of Mother and Child by Maud Brown (1935)


    Inclusive technology


    National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

    Educational Materials

    Classic Theories in Child Development; A hypertext tutorial about the theories of Freud, Mahler and Erikson.
    Reggio Emilia


    Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality
    Raising Children to Resist Violence; What You Can Do

    Government Publications

    Child Abuse; Training Investigating Officers by Graham Davies, Emma Marshall and Noelle Robertson (1998)
    Children First; A New Approach to Child Support (1998)
    Children first; a new approach to child support
    Meeting the Childcare Challenge; a childcare strategy for Scotland
    Modernising social services;promoting independence, improving protection, raising standards
    National Strategy to prevent Teen Pregnancy; Annual report 1997-98
    Supporting families; a consultation document
    The Government's Response to the Children's Safeguards Review
    Trends in the Well-being of America's Children and Youth, 1998
    Welfare reform; states' experience in providing employment assistance to TANF clients

    Governmental Bodies

    Administration on Children Youth and Families
    Child and Youth Health (CYH)
    Child Support Agency
    Children (Scotland) Act Implementation Newsletter; America's children 1998; the official Web site of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
    Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
    Employability and Social Partnerships
    National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (NACCAN)
    Social Security Reform

    Journals (full text)

    Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP)
    Future of Children

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    play-children mailing list archive


    Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the U.K.
    Board on Children, Youth and Families (BYCF)
    Campaign for our children (CFOC)
    Canadian Council on Social Development
    Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
    Child Rights Information Network
    Child Trends
    Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CH.A.D.D.)
    Children Now
    Children's Defense Fund
    Children's Institute International (CII)
    Children's Society (The)
    First Call, BC Child and Youth Advocacy Movement
    Gingerbread Group
    Global ChildNet
    National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH)
    National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC)
    National Children's Bureau (NCB)
    NCH Action for Children
    NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
    One parent families Scotland
    Public Agenda Online
    Save the Children

    Research Projects/Centres

    American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Australian Institute of Family Studies
    Centre for Europe's Children; European Documentation & Information Centre on Childhood Policies & Children’s Rights
    Centre for Policy Studies
    Centre for Residential Child Care
    Children and Armed Conflict Unit
    Family and Child Well-being research network
    Family Policy Studies Centre
    Family Research Laboratory
    Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute
    National Center on Fathers and Families (NCOFF)
    One Plus One; Pioneers in Marriage, Relationship and Partner Support
    Quality of Life Research Unit, University of Toronto

    Resource Guides

    Child Welfare Review; Gateway to Resources on the Web
    Child Welfare
    Children, Youth, and Family Consortium
    Expect the best from a girl. That's what you'll get.
    History of Education Site
    National Child Protection Clearing House (Australia)
    National Clearinghouse for Youth Studies (Australia)
    Prevention Yellow Pages
    Site (The)

    Sociology of Economics

    Sociology of Economics

    Educational Materials

    Social indicators

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    European Environmental Education Newsletter

    Journals (full text)

    Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    esa-consumption mailing list archive


    Inside Scotland
    Israel Wire
    Ukrainian Weekly


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Planning and Transport Research and Computation; PTRC
    Public Agenda Online
    Social Market Foundation

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990
    Russian Regional Database

    Resource Guides

    Consumer Culture Research Site

    Sociology of Education

    Sociology of Education

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET)
    Centre for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA)
    Dave Harris Homepage
    Does it Compute? The Relationship Between Educational Technology and Student Achievement in Mathematics
    John Dewey's 'The School and Society'
    Just Say "Know" to Whole Language
    NORC Publications
    Order in the Classroom; Violence Discipline, and Student Achievement
    Paulo Freire
    Teaching Learning Forum
    The National Literacy Project (NLP)- A Report from the Office of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools
    Using effectiveness research to guide the development of school sex education (pamphlet, 1997)
    Welcome to the Whole Language

    Bibliographic Databases

    ERIC Clearing house on Languages and Linguistics
    ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology (ERIC/IT)
    ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English and Communication (ERIC/REC)
    ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools (ERIC/RC)
    The Asia-Pacific Literacy Data Base

    Educational Materials

    Social indicators

    Governmental Bodies

    Finnish Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Opetusministerio)
    Ministry of Education Curriculum Development and Evaluation Department (Botswana)
    Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils; School and LEA Responses
    The National Numeracy Project - An HMI Evaluation

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    European Environmental Education Newsletter

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    scass mailing list


    Inside Scotland
    Israel Wire
    Ukrainian Weekly


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR)
    Coalition of Essential Schools (CES)
    CoSLA Education Research and Intelligence Group
    Public Agenda Online
    The Dyslexia Institute (DI)
    The Marshall McLuhan Center on Global Communications

    Research Projects/Centres

    Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990

    Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

    Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Foucault Pages at CSUN
    NORC Publications

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Stereotypes still stymie female managers
    Ten Myths About Affirmative Action


    Lesbian and Gay Literature Situated in Finland. 2nd ed. May 1996
    Public Faces, Private Lives; a Bibliography of Boston Gay and Lesbian Writing

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Communications Theory/Gender/Identity Resources

    Educational Materials


    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Bioethics; Journal of the International Association of Bioethics
    Gender, Work and Organization

    Research Projects/Centres

    Affirmative Action and Diversity Project; A Web Page for Research

    Resource Guides

    Archive for Sexology
    Global Reproductive Health Forum; Health, Rights and Gender at Harvard University

    Related sections:

    Women's Studies

    Sociology of Law and Crime

    Sociology of Law and Crime

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Death Penalty Information Center
    ET factfile; The Stephen Lawrence case
    Metropolitan Police Racial and Violent Crime Task Force
    Metropolitan Police Service, Stephen Lawrence Inquiry
    NORC Publications

    Government Publications

    Attitudes to Punishment; Findings from the British Crime Survey by Michael Gough and Julian Roberts (1998)
    Business as Usual; An Evaluation of the Small Business and Crime Initiative (1998)
    Entry into the Criminal Justice System; a Survey of Police Arrests and their Outcomes by Coretta Phillips and David Brown with the Assistance of Zoe James and Paul Goodrich (1998)
    Ethnic Monitoring in Police Forces; a Beginning by Marian Fitzgerald and Rae Sibbit (1997)
    Ethnicity and Contacts with the Police; Latest Findings from the British Crime Survey by Tom Bucke (1997)
    Public Expectations and Perceptions of Policing by Russell Bradley (1998)
    Sentencing Practice; an Examination of Decisions in Magistrates' Courts and the Crown Court in the Mid-1990s by Claire Flood Page and Alan Mackie (1998)
    Understanding the Sentencing of Women edited by Carol Hedderman and Loraine Gelsthorpe (1997)

    Journals (full text)

    Injustice Studies; an Online Journal
    Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
    Joystick - Scandanavian Netjournal of the Sociology of Law

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    human-rights-50 mailing list


    Israel Wire


    Critical Criminology Division of the American Society of Criminology
    Law and Society Association (The)
    Law and Society Association, The
    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990

    Sociology of Medicine

    Sociology of Medicine


    BSA Medical Sociology Group
    European Society of Health and Medical Sociology
    Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
    Medical Sociology Section Homepage, The American Sociological Association
    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    MRC Medical Sociology Unit

    Sociology of Politics

    Sociology of Politics

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Democratic governance in multicultural societies; social conditions for the implementation of international human rights through multicultural policies

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Battle for the Campaign Agenda by Pippa Norris (1997)
    Nixon, Watergate and the Study of the Presidency (1996)
    Partisanship and Candidate Gender in Congressional Elections; Results from an Experiment by David C. King and Richard E. Matland (1998)
    Transitional Agendas; Working Papers from the Summer School for Soviet Sociologists, Jul-Sep 1990

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Utopia, by Sir Thomas More

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics

    Journals (full text)

    Injustice Studies; an Online Journal
    Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure


    Inside Scotland
    Israel Wire
    Ukrainian Weekly


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies
    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990
    Russian Regional Database

    Resource Guides

    Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet

    Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

    Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    American Indians and Crime
    Democratic governance in multicultural societies; social conditions for the implementation of international human rights through multicultural policies
    ET factfile; The Stephen Lawrence case
    Metropolitan Police Racial and Violent Crime Task Force
    Metropolitan Police Service, Stephen Lawrence Inquiry
    NORC Publications
    Race Documents
    Working Papers in Geography

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Issues in Freirean Pedagogy
    Racism, Intelligence and the Working Class
    Ten Myths About Affirmative Action

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Philadelphia Negro (The)


    World Ethnic Survey

    Educational Materials

    Responses to the Holocaust - a Hypermedia Archive for the Humanities

    Governmental Bodies

    Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils; School and LEA Responses

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
    Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

    Journals (full text)

    Chronicle (The) - Changing Black Britain
    Interracial Voice
    Suffrage Universel

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    eram mailing list
    Ethnic Minorities and Race Research Group Discussion Forum


    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    Affirmative Action and Diversity Project; A Web Page for Research
    Centre for New Ethnicities Research
    ERaM Programme; Ethicity, Racism and the Media
    European Centre for Minority Issues
    Race and Ethnic Studies Institute, Texas A&M University

    Resource Guides

    Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory
    ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education
    Shamash; the Jewish Internet Consortium

    Sociology of Religion

    Sociology of Religion

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Weberian Sociology of Religion

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Religion, Democratization, and Market Transition; A Workshop sponsored by the NSF Sociology Program, December 6-7, 1993

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    christian-sociologist mailing list archive


    Israel Wire


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Public Agenda Online

    Sociology of Sport

    Sociology of Sport

    Journals (full text)

    SOSOL; Sociology of Sport Online


    Inside Scotland

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for Research into Sport & Society, Leicester University
    Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research

    Sociology of Work

    Sociology of Work

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Making "Welfare to Work" Really Work

    Educational Materials

    Social indicators

    Governmental Bodies

    ETA Welfare to Work

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Gender, Work and Organization


    Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU)
    Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR)
    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Russian Regional Database

    Related sections:

    Labour and Industrial Relations

    Labour and Industrial Relations


    Labour Market

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)


    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Labour Supply and Taxation; A Survey, by Richard Blundell
    Professors and hamburgers; an international comparison of real academic salaries, by Li Lian Ong and Jason D. Mitchell
    Who Wins With a Higher Minimum Wage


    Fair Measures Management Law Consulting Group

    Governmental Bodies

    Employability and Social Partnerships
    Employment in Europe 1995
    ESF News
    ETA Welfare to Work
    Japan Institute of Labour
    New Deal
    Overseas Labour Service
    Social Security Reform
    West Midlands Low Pay Unit
    Workfare watch

    Journals (contents and abstracts)

    Employee Relations
    Gender, Work and Organization

    Journals (full text)

    Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups



    CanDo; Careers Advisory Network on Disability Opportunities
    Community Unemployed Help Centre
    Industrial Society
    International Labour Organization
    LoWER; European Low-Wage Employment Network
    Working Women's Centre

    Research Projects/Centres

    Canadian International Labour Network
    Center for the Study of Work Teams (CSWT)
    Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR)
    Centre for Policy Studies
    Centre for the Study of Public Policy
    Economic Policy Institute (US)
    EU Employer's Network (The)
    GIRE-IRGE; International Research Group on Employment
    Institute for Employment Research (IER)
    Labour Market Imperfections Group (LMIG)
    Russian Regional Database
    Socio-Spatial Analysis Research Unit

    Related sections:

    Sociology of Work

    Sociology of the Elderly

    Sociology of the Elderly

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Merck Manual of Geriatrics, The

    Educational Materials

    Social indicators

    Related sections:

    Youth Welfare

    Youth Welfare

    Related sections:

    Psychology of Adolescence
    Sociology of Adolescence

    Sociology of the Family

    Sociology of the Family

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections

    Family Relations
    NORC Publications

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    Making "Welfare to Work" Really Work


    Public Agenda Online

    Research Projects/Centres

    One Plus One; Pioneers in Marriage, Relationship and Partner Support


    Software for Observing Behavior in Natural Settings

    Related sections:

    Children and the Family

    Teaching and Methodology of Sociology

    Teaching and Methodology of Sociology

    Articles/Papers/Reports (collections)

    Affect Control Theory

    Articles/Papers/Reports (individual)

    APA Writing Style Guide
    Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media; A Pedagogical Discussion and Demonstration

    Bibliographic Databases

    ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools (ERIC/RC)

    Books/Book Equivalents

    Bibliography Styles Handbook - APA Format


    Sociological Methodology

    Educational Materials

    Microsociology Software Gallery
    SocInfo CTI Centre
    Sociology Courses on the Internet
    Teaching Sociology

    Journals (full text)

    Action Research International
    Sociological Research Online

    Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

    scass mailing list


    Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences
    Galaxy; Sociology

    Research Projects/Centres

    Qualitative Interest Group
    SSP2000 - Sociology and Social Policy Teaching and Learning Network

    Resource Guides

    BSA Directory

    Copyright by Sophist's World