
Media Evangelism Once there was a man claiming to be a doctorate in theology, took a video to teach people not to practice yoga, especially as Christians cannot even practicing yoga. Reason is that yoga is a Hindu ritual of worship, so that when people practice yoga, the evil spirits can easily upper body, and thus lead to danger. The strange thing is, this does not seem to know the theology doctorate, and today many within the Christian pagan rituals are there to learn from, and brought in? Such as worship, bread baptized, and even pray too. The point is: faith itself irrational, but when we attempt to convince a rational person, we are not allowed to sweep the authority cannot take on the unknown to deceive the ignorant people, not literally buckling facts, but cannot order win the trust of people while doing their utmost.
Yoga, like Tai Chi (doctoral theology who might say: Tai Chi is a Taoist ritual worship) is a powerful change in body movement, and when you slowly turn out to be more and more skilled, you begin to believe in yourself inherent potential of people’s self-confidence has thus been strengthened.

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