今早朋友傳來一段連結:話說有團友付了千多元到泰國五天遊,有兩團友在晚上十一點左右到了酒店後,投訴酒店不妥…,要求换酒店。領隊給他們解釋,酒店是根據行程指定的,若要換房可安排,且現己夜了,其他團友已上房睡了,要換酒店也得等天亮後,取得團友們的共識及公司的允許才可以。可那兩團友却在那無理取鬧,更將過程拍下放上網,且更鼓動團友們不給小費。誰知公道自在人心,兩團友更受到多方的批評〈https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=128976887311681〉 。

This morning came a link from a friend: each person just paid a thousand dollars to Thailand for five days travel, about eleven o’clock in the evening to the hotel; after two of team members have complaints: The hotel is something wrong …, they want rearranged the other hotel. Leader explained to them that the hotel is based on the itinerary specified, to be arranged for the hotel room in this situation now, and which had the night now; the other team members have also going to sleep, if hoping to change the hotel that after dawn. Which have to wait to obtain team members consensus and get the premitted by the company. But that two members were in that vexatious, and will shoot decentralization process online, they also encouraging the other team members do not give tip. Surprisingly fair mind, two people received much more criticism <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=128976887311681>.
Earlier a group mainland to Hong Kong, back when departing from the tourist shuttle bus. But there is a family who complained the shuttle bus too coaches who do not want to get on. Results Travel alternates to pick another coach, but also complaints that the family trip bus came late, demanding compensation.
Person’s innocence and ignorance is a virus that once this virus from spreading, the only reason to heal. Therefore, based on the exigencies of humanity. We want to cure this innocence and ignorance of the virus. Otherwise, we want to live in the kind of world where the drawings do?

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