The Origin of Copyright: Expression as Knowing in Being and Copyright Onto-Epistemology







The philosophy of copyright considers philosophical issues linked to copyright policy, and other jurisprudential problems that arise in legal systems’ interpretation and application of copyright law.

One debate concerns the purpose of copyright. Some take the approach of looking for coherent justifications of established copyright systems, while others start with general ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and try to analyse policy through that lens. Another approach denies the meaningfulness of any ethical justification for existing copyright law, viewing it simply as a result (and perhaps an undesirable result) of political processes.

Another widely debated issue is the relationship between copyrights and other forms of “intellectual property”, and material property. Most scholars of copyright agree that it can be called a kind of property, because it involves the exclusion of others from something. But there is disagreement about the extent to which that fact should allow the transportation of other beliefs and intuitions about material possessions.

There are many other philosophical questions which arise in the jurisprudence of copyright. They include such problems as determining when one work is “derived” from another, or deciding when information has been placed in a “tangible” or “material” form.

當代版權誕生於人類歷史始於19世紀末的一個探索新大陸的時代,當時技術通過圖書貿易促進了思想傳播,接觸了大眾讀者。這” The Origin of Copyright: Expression as Knowing in Being and Copyright Onto-Epistemology“本書提供了關於版權演變的見解,以及專有的個人表達的版權保護如何成為我們對存在的了解的一個組成部分,這是由技術進步通過激增的交易框架驅動的。

這本書抓住了版權演變過程中的核心內容,即“本體認識論偏移(onto-epistemological offset: 本體論是我們對現實的了解,而認知論是我們如何驗證知識——本體論認識論強調了這兩件事在我們如何理解周圍世界方面的相互關聯。)”。版權對原創性劃定的描述以及合理使用 / 交易對未經授權使用的合法化和存在的保護不是孤立的,而是相互牽連的。雖然經典的嚴格決定論一直受到本體認識論的挑戰,但Wenwei Guan著眼於全球貿易的擴散和信息技術的出現,以及它們如何向我們展示版權作者、企業家精神和讀者之間相互依賴的美麗和可能性,這需要一種新的版權本體認識論。



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