人人都需要愛。不!正確來說是:凡有情都需要愛。無論何 種生物都不能缺少愛;甚至上帝也需要愛。舊約中上帝需要 愛、且更像父親那樣需要人對祂的敬愛;新約中的上帝就是 愛,就像母親的無條件的愛。愛之複雜難言是確然的,幾乎 可以說:有多少有情就有多種愛或愛的詮釋。但若非要簡單 地說不可的話:愛就像數學上的 “ 兀〈pi〉 “ ,它是圓周率,要來說明 “圓“ 的數學概念 – “數學圓“ 是多麽玄妙的東西。它是那麼自然的存在,它的值是一無窮 數〈 3.1415926…. 〉,既實在又超乎理性的限度,它的 “作用“ 也是如此的非理性而又如此的重要。
Everyone needs love. Not! Correct is: Where are required affectionate love. Whatever creatures are not lack of love; even God also need love. Need love of God in the Old Testament, and more like his father did not need people to His beloved; New Testament God is love, like a mother’s unconditional love. Love is complicated unspeakable Verily, almost can be said: How many affectionate love or love to have a variety of interpretations. But if it simply can not be insisted the words: love is like mathematics “pi”,to come to explain the “circle” of mathematical concepts – “Math Circle” is so mysterious things. It is then natural existence, its value is an infinite number < 3.1415926 …. >, both real and beyond the limits of reason, its “effect” is also true of the irrational and so important.